17 Facts You Might Not Know About Cardiff

17 Facts You Might Not Know About Cardiff

1. The oldest record shop in the world, opened in 1894, is Spillers Records in Cardiff.

2. Cardiff is home to the world’s oldest record store, which opened in 1894, Spillers.

3. One of the most infamous pirates, Henry Morgan, was born in Llanrumney in Cardiff in 1635, you might know this pirate as Captain Morgan.

4. Cardiff is one of the flattest cities in Britain.

5. Llandaff Cathedral dates back to 1107, which makes it one of the oldest Christian Sites in Britain.

6. BBC Cardiff is home to Doctor Who since 2005.

7. The first ever British news film was filmed in Cardiff in 1896

8. 10% of the population in Cardiff speaks Welsh as well as English

9. Cardiff was the first Fair Trade capital in the world.

10. The Romans settled in Cardiff in 55AD

11. During World War II, Cardiff Castle was used as an air raid shelter.

12. Millennium Stadium has one of the largest sliding roofs in the world and is the second-largest stadium in the world with a fully retractable roof

13. Cardiff has on average more hours of sunlight than Milan.

14. Cardiff won the title of European City of Sport twice 2014 and 2009

15. Cardiff became the capital of Wales in 1955. It’s Europe’s smallest and one of its newest capital cities.

16. There are secret underground tunnels spanning the city centre

17. The largest waterfront redevelopment project in Europe cost £102 million, the Cardiff Bay.


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