Lighthouse of Genoa

The Lighthouse of Genoa also called Lanterna and is situated on the hill of San Benigno, stands at 249 feet and is the worlds fifth tallest lighthouse and is the second tallest “traditional” lighthouse, the lighthouse was built by Masonry in 1128.

Since 1543 and until 1902 when the  Île Vierge was built, it was the tallest lighthouse in the world. Considered as a whole with the natural rock on which it stands, as it is commonly perceived and represented, its height is 383 feet.

lighthouse of genoaThe lighthouse had two purposes one is to be a warning signal and as a fortification, during the middle ages, it was isolated from the city walls and only until the 17th century it came part of a defensive walls.

The most significant restoration work was performed in the 16th during the French domination of Genoa. Louis XII decreed that a fortress had to be built on the Lighthouse cape.

Despite inevitable damages, the Lighthouse remained intact during World War Two, an extraordinary fact, considering that Genoa was repeatedly bombarded from the day following Italy’s declaration of war in 1940.

You can find a beautiful and large coat of arms painted on its lower part of the tower, red cross and a white background.

Its the only lighthouse to have a keeper and is known as the most important lighthouse in Italy, it’s been operating for over 9 centuries, you can see its light from a distance of 50 kilometers.

The public can enter the Lighthouse and go up to 172 steps until it becomes a restricted area as the light house is operated by the military.


Address: Rampa della Lanterna, 16126 Genova GE, Italy

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