6 Amazing Facts about Jerez de la Frontera



1. The City had a few names through out its history, started outas “Xeres” in Roman times and then became “Sherrish” under the Moorish rulers and finally ended up as “Jerez de la Frontera” in the 14th century because of its location, on the border of the Muslim and Christian ruled regions.

2. Jerez de la Frontera is well known for its horse breeding, the horses are a mixer of Arab, Spanish and English, known as the Andalusian horses.

3. Flamenco dance is a popular cultural feature of the city.

4. The English word for ‘Sherry’ comes from the 16th century pronunciation of Jerez.

5. Fortified wines was first exported to England from Jerez, dating back to the 14th century and in the 16th century a few British Catholics fled to Jerez and started up as wine traders.

6. Jerez de la Frontera is home to the Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art.


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