8 Informative Augustusburg and Falkenlust Palaces Facts

8 Informative Augustusburg and Falkenlust Palaces Facts

Augustusburg and Falkenlust Palaces Facts

  1. Falkenlust hunting lodge was designed by François de Cuvilliés. In the style of the Amalienburg hunting lodge in the park of Nymphenburg Palace.
  2. The gardens were designed by Dominique Girard.
  3. shortly after World War II until 1994, Augustusburg was used as a reception hall for guests of state by the German President, as it is not far from Bonn, which was the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany at that time.
  4. In 1984, the two Brühl palaces, to­geth­er with their gar­dens and parks, were in­cluded in the list of UN­ESCO World Her­it­age Sites.
  5. The Au­gus­tus­burg and Falken­lust palaces in Brühl are two of Ger­many’s most im­port­ant ex­amples of Baroque and Ro­coco ar­chi­tec­ture, and served as mod­els for nu­mer­ous oth­er Ger­man courts.
  6. The two res­id­ences, Augustusburg and Falkenlust, are linked by an av­en­ue run­ning through the ex­tens­ive Palace Park.
  7. The construction of the palace began in 1725 on the ruins of a medieval moated castle, but it would take more than 40 years to complete.
  8. Augustusburg Palace and its parks also serve as a venue for the Brühl Palace Concerts.
8 informative augustusburg and falkenlust palaces facts Augustusburg and Falkenlust Palaces Facts
8 Informative Augustusburg and Falkenlust Palaces Facts

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