10 Interesting Facts About Batticaloa

10 Interesting Facts About Batticaloa

Facts About Batticaloa

  1. Batticaloa is the administrative capital of the Batticaloa District.
  2. The original name of the region being the Tamil “Matakkalappu”
  3. Batticaloa is in the eastern coast of Sri Lanka on a flat coastal plain boarded by the Indian Ocean in the east occupies a central part of eastern Sri Lanka.
  4. Batticaloa has a tropical wet and dry climate under the Köppen climate classification, also generically referred to as ‘dry-monsoonal climate’.
  5. The city has four main divisions: Puliyanthivu, Kallady, Koddamunar & Puthur.
  6. Batticaloa is a major city in the Eastern Province, Sri Lanka, and its former capital.
  7. Batticaloa is the seat of the Eastern University of Sri Lanka and is a major commercial city.
  8. The estimated population of Batticaloa is 100,000.
  9. Batticaloa is a Portuguese derivation. Ruined Portuguese and Dutch forts remain from the colonial period.
  10. Batticaloa is the trading centre for rice and coconuts from nearby plantations and for other agricultural products.
Facts About Batticaloa
Interesting Facts About Batticaloa

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