10 Interesting Facts About Igloolik

10 Interesting Facts About Igloolik

Facts About Igloolik

  • Igloolik is an Inuit hamlet in Foxe Basin, Qikiqtaaluk Region in Nunavut, northern Canada.
  • The name “Igloolik” means “there is a house here”. 
  • The first contact with Europeans came when British Navy ships HMS Fury and HMS Hecla, under the command of Captain William Edward Parry, wintered in Igloolik in 1822.
  • The island was visited in 1867 and 1868 by the American explorer Charles Francis Hall in his search for survivors of the lost Franklin Expedition.
  • The community is served by the Igloolik Airport.
  • The Estimated Population of Igloolik is 1,682
  • In 2017, documentary filmmaker Alan Zweig released There Is a House Here, a documentary film about his visits to the community.
  • Igloolik is 53 m above sea level.
  • Igloolik experiences 24- hour daylight from mid-May to late-July. Travellers can enjoy long days and sunny weather until mid-August, with summer temperatures ranging from 8°C to 15°C. Snow begins to fall in November and winter temperatures tend to average around -30°C.
  • The total area of Igloolik is 103.01 km2.
Facts About Igloolik
Facts About Igloolik
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