15 Things to do in Paris

Paris can have multiple effects on people, especially knowing that some people have a  ‘Paris Syndrome’, but if you visiting Paris, France you have to do these things, to feel like you have experienced Paris.

Things you should do while visiting Paris!

You have to light a candle for someone you love, In Notre Dame

You have to light a candle for someone you love, In Notre Dame


The Institute du Monde Arabe Offers Visitors Tea top view of the Notre Dame

The Institute du Monde Arabe Offers Visitors Tea top view of the Notre Dame

Enjoy a boat Cruises at night, be warned will be full of other tourists, very popular activity to do.

Enjoy a boat Cruises at night, be warned will be full of other tourists, very popular activity to do.

Jog around the Tuileries Gardens

Jog around the Tuileries Gardens

No Need To Trip; service comprise is always included in the price

No Need To Trip; service comprise is always included in the price

During the Bastille Day Fireworks, make sure you find a perfect place to see the lights without the crowds

During the Bastille Day Fireworks, make sure you find a perfect place to see the lights without the crowds


Find yourself a private/secret local bistro that you can order yourself a table…lots of secrets in Paris…Just have to find them.

Find yourself a private/secret local bistro that you can order yourself a table…lots of secrets in Paris…Just have to find them.

France is known for its wine, so why don’t you skip a bottle of wine for pitchers of house wine

France is known for its wine, so why don’t you skip a bottle of wine for pitchers of house wine

You experience art during Nuit Blanche

You experience art during Nuit Blanche

Experience live music during Fête de la Musique

Experience live music during Fête de la Musique

Search for the winner of this year’s best baguette, you know you be getting the best of the best… 2016 winner was Mickaël Reydellet and Florian Charles from La Parisienne at 48 rue Madame


Watch the Eiffel Tower sparkles at night every hour, 20,000 lights will flash on and off during the first 5 minutes of each hour after nightfall until 2 am in the summer and 1 am in the winter


Watch the Eiffel Tower sparkles at night every hour, 20,000 lights will flash on and off during the first 5 minutes of each hour after nightfall until 2am in the summer and 1am in the winter


Have a picnic in Paris, beautiful view, food and wine, life can’t get any better…

Have a picnic in Paris, beautiful view, food and wine, life can’t get any better…

Every Summer, Spots around the city are transformed into pop-up Beaches


Paris Plages; every summer, spots around the city are transformed to pop-up beaches.


Paris Plages; every summer, spots around the city are transformed to pop-up beaches.

let us know what place everyone should visit while in Paris?

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