Flag of Sardinia

Flag of Sardinia

Flag of Sardinia

The flag of Sardinia is a red cross on a white field with four black heads of Moors as charges on the cross. It’s known as the Four Moors, The Moors are depicted with turbans on their heads and with open mouths, symbolizing their submission to the Kingdom of Sardinia.

The flag has been in use since the 14th century and is a symbol of the island’s rich history and cultural identity and the official flag of the autonomous region of Sardinia in Italy. The flag is similar to the flag of the Republic of Genoa, as Sardinia was once part of the Republic of Genoa. The flag is composed of the St George’s Cross and four heads of Moors facing away from the hoist, with a bandage covering their foreheads. The flag was officially adopted by the autonomous region of Sardinia in 1950 and was revised in 1999.


Flag of Sardinia
Flag of Sardinia

Sardinia Region

Sardinia is the second-largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and an autonomous region of Italy. It is located to the west of the Italian Peninsula and is politically divided into four provinces: Cagliari, Sassari, Nuoro, and Oristano.

The island is known for its diverse landscape, which includes mountains, forests, beaches, and caves. It is also home to a number of ancient civilizations and cultures, including the Nuragic civilization, which left behind a number of significant archaeological sites. Sardinia has a rich history and culture and is famous for its food, wine, and traditional music and dance.

The island’s economy is primarily based on agriculture, tourism, and manufacturing.

Sardinia name origins

The origins of the name “Sardinia” are uncertain. It is thought to be derived from the Phoenician word “srdn”, which means “yellow” and may have referred to the island’s sandy, yellow-coloured beaches. Another theory is that the name comes from the ancient Sardinians, who were known as the “Sardonii” in Latin. According to this theory, the island’s name may have evolved from the Latin “Sardonius” to “Sardinia” over time.

There are also a number of other theories about the origins of the name Sardinia, including that it comes from the Greek word “sardonios”, which means “savage” or “barbarian”, or that it is derived from the name of the ancient city of Sardis in western Turkey. Ultimately, the true origins of the name Sardinia remain uncertain and are the subject of ongoing debate among scholars.



Flag of Sardinia
Flag of Sardinia
Flag of Sardinia - Pinterest
Flag of Sardinia – Pinterest

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