The Flag of Huilliche

The Flag of Huilliche

In March 1991, the Mapuche organization Aukin Wallmapu Ngulam, also known as the “Council of All Lands,” chose the flag of Huilliche Territory, signifying a profound and meaningful symbol for the Mapuche community.

Flag of Huilliche

The Flag of Huilliche
The Flag of Huilliche – Chilean Mapuches

Symbolic Significance

  • The Yellow represents renewal and serves as a symbol of the Sun
  • Blue represents life, order, wealth and the universe and In Mapudungun, it also serves as an adjective conveying notions of “sacred” or “spiritual.”
  • The Red represents power and strength and serves as a historical symbol.
  • The Green represents nature or earth and embodies wisdom, fertility and the healing power of the land. Green is also associated with a symbol of the Machi, a Mapuche shaman.

Other Flags of the Mapuche Territories

The Flag of Huilliche & Flag of Chilean Mapuches
The Flag of Huilliche & Flag of Chilean Mapuches

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