10 Facts You Might Not Know About Cordoba

10 Facts You Might Not Know About Cordoba

1. Cordoba has some of the world’s largest olive plantations.

2. Cordoba’s Mezquita is the largest mosque in the entire world, as well as the world’s largest temple.

3. The library of al-Hakam II is thought to have amounted to 400,000 books.

4. Cordoba was founded in 169 BC by Romans.

5. The highest point in Cordoba is 120 meters above sea level

6. Cordoba is world-renowned for its leather manufacturing sites and silversmiths.

7. Córdoba is one of the few cities in the world that has a near-exact antipodal city (Hamilton, New Zealand)

8. Cordoba is the place of birth of the grand Roman philosopher Seneca.

9. Cordoba was a spot of peaceful coexistence of three different cultures: Jews, Muslims and Christians.

10. In the 11th century, it was one of the most important capitals in Europe

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