10 Informative Facts About Rondane National Park

10 Informative Facts About Rondane National Park

Facts About Rondane National Park

  1. The Rondane National park was extended in 2003, and now covers an area of  372 sq miles. 
  2. Rondane is a typical high mountain area, with large plateaus and a total of ten peaks above 2,000 meters.
  3. The highest point is Rondeslottet at an altitude of 2,178 meters.
  4. Rondane was established as the first Norwegian National Park on 21 December 1962. It was first established as a nature protection area but was later named a national park.
  5. The Rondane National Park is home to one of the last refuges of the Wild Reindeer. 
  6. Rondane is the finite plural of the word rond. Several mountains in the area have the ending, and this is the finite singular of the same word. The word rond was probably originally the name of the long and narrow lake Rondvatnet and the mountains around were then named after this lake.
  7. Rondane contains a few small canyons which were created by the rapid ice melting, most prominently Jutulhogget and Vesle-Ula.
  8. The Rondane National Park is maintained by the Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management.
  9. Ancient reindeer-trapping sites and burial mounds suggest that the area has been inhabited for thousands of years.
  10. The National Park has a range of Wildlife, which includes around 28 different Mammal Species and 124 bird species. 
Facts About Rondane National Park
Facts About Rondane National Park

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