Interesting Facts About Dobsinska Ice Cave Facts About Dobsinska Ice Cave
The cave was discovered on 15 June 1870 by the royal mining engineer Jenő Ruffinyi, accompanied by Gustáv Lang and Andrej Mega
The total ice volume was estimated at 125,000 cubic metres, which makes it one of the most important ice caves in the world.
The thickness of the ice reaches up to 26.5 m.
The average annual temperature of the air in the glaciated Great Hall reaches –0,4 to –1,0 °C.
The age of the cave is estimated at approximately 250,000 years.
The total length of the cave is 1,491 m, of which 475 m plus individual 43 m are open to the public from May to September.
Dobšiná Ice Cave is an ice cave in Slovakia, near the mining town of Dobšiná in the Slovak Paradise.
Since 2000 it has been included on the UNESCO World Heritage list as a part of the Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst site.
the monumental glaciation of the Dobšinská Ice Cave persists for thousands of years at elevations only 920 to 950 m.
The cave stands for the most important wintering place of the Whiskered Bat (Myotis mystacinus) and Brandt’s Bat (Myotis brandtii) in central Europe.
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