10 Interesting Facts About Kalmunai

10 Interesting Facts About Kalmunai

Facts About Kalmunai

  1. The city is bounded on the east by the Indian Ocean on the north by the Periyaneelavanai village and on the south by Karaitivu village which is considered to be a suburb of the city.
  2. Geographic coordinates of Kalmunai is Latitude: 7°24.5412′ N, Longitude: 81°50.0832′ E
  3. The estimated population of Kalmunai is 106,780.
  4. Kalmunai is one of the few Muslim-majority municipalities in Sri Lanka.
  5. Kalmunai is the largest city of Ampara District.
  6. Kalmunai was the site of the royal farm, as a result of this settlement, it became a Muslim-majority area.
  7. Kalmunai was severely impacted by the 2004 Tsunami.
  8. Kalmunai is the largest city of Eastern Province, Sri Lanka.
  9. Elevation of Kalmunai is 33 ft, above sea level.
  10. Kalmunai began as a 12,000-person refugee shelter and has grown over the years into a nurturing community.
Facts About Kalmunai
Facts About Kalmunai

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