The primary coordinate point for Renton is located at latitude 47.4829 and longitude -122.2171 in King County.
The 2019 median income for households in Renton is $70,661, while the mean household income is $89,808.
The estimated population of Renton is 106,785, as of 2020.
Renton is located at 47°29′12″N 122°11′43″W (47.486622, −122.195163).
The city has a total area of 23.54 square miles, of which 23.12 square miles is land and 0.42 square miles is water, most of which is the Cedar River.
The Duwamish were the original inhabitants.
Renton is twinned with two sister cities Nishiwaki, Hyogo, Japan & Cuautla, Jalisco, Mexico.
Renton is best known as the final assembly point for the Boeing 737 family of commercial aeroplanes, but it is also home to a growing number of well-known manufacturing, technology, and healthcare organizations, including Boeing Commercial Airplanes Division, Paccar, Kaiser Permanente, IKEA, Providence Health & Services, UW Medicine, and Wizards of the Coast.
The city of Renton was incorporated on Sept 6th 1901.