Trains are one of the oldest modern transport currently available, from steam trains to now high-end electric trains, trains and transport is changing, trains have changed the way we travel since 1804, trains are designed to be cheap and can travel long distances.
Decided to do a bit of research to find the longest train journeys currently available, however, this list will definitely change, as more mega projects are in development to connect countries like India to china etc.
Here’s a list of the worlds longest train journeys.
1. From Moscow to Pyongyang (North Korea), Distance traveled: 10267 km, total number of stops per journey: 157, Journey Time 206 hrs (~8.5 days).
2. From Moscow to Vladivostok (Russia) , Distance traveled: 9289 km, total number of stops per journey: 58, Journey Time: 144 hrs (~6 days)
3. From Moscow to Beijing (China) , Distance traveled: 8984 km, total number of stops per journey: 33, Journey Time: 145 hrs (~6 days)
Note: Number 4 would also be Moscow to Beijing (via Ulaanbaatar) but due to it being the same location, its not on this list.
Oh wow, I really love the journey with train.. it’s always be different