50 Interesting Facts About Slovakia

Facts About Slovakia

Facts About Slovakia

  • The highest statue of a horse in the world, measuring almost 9 meters in height and made of stainless steel is located in the Sport and Congress Center in Samorín-Cilistov.
  • The Celts started to settle the area of modern-day Slovakia in 450 BC. They created the first system of writing known as Biatec.
  • Slovakia is a member of the European Union and part of the Eurozone Currency. 
  • Slovakia boasts the highest number of castles and chateaux per capita in the world.
  • The Slovak climate lies between the temperate and continental climate zones with relatively warm summers and cold, cloudy and humid winters.
  • After Austria, Slovakia has the largest natural freshwater supplies.
  • The Slovak Academy of Sciences has been the most important scientific and research institution in the country since 1953.
  • Kolárove has the longest bridge in Europe with a completely wooden structure. It is 85 meters long.
  • On March 29, 2004, Slovakia joined the political and military organization, NATO.
  • In 2019, Zuzana Čaputová became Slovakia’s first female president.
  • In 2018 the median age of the Slovak population was 41 years.
  • The capital of Slovakia, Bratislava, lies on the borders with Austria and Hungary. That makes it the only capital in the world bordering two countries.
  • More than six thousand caves have been discovered in Slovakia. Ochtinska Aragonite Cave is the only one aragonite cave located in Europe and a huge 34 m high sinter column in Krasnohorska cave is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records.
  • The Estimated population of Slovakia is 5.45 million, as of 2020.
  • The official language is Slovak, a member of the Slavic language family.
  • Vehicle production comprises almost 50 per cent of Slovakia’s total industrial production.
  • The picturesque village of Čičmany in Northern Slovakia has a status of world’s first reservation of folk architecture.
  • World’s highest number of castles and chateaux per capita.
  • Near the village Kremnické Bane in Slovakia, right next to the St. John Baptist Church, is located the geographical midpoint of Europe.
  • Slovakia has 9 national parks and 14 protected landscape areas.
  • The Tatra mountain range is represented as one of the three hills on the coat of arms of Slovakia.
  • Around 80 per cent of Slovakia lies more than 800 metres above sea level, and its crowning glory is the Tatras.
  • Slovakia, along with the three Baltic countries, has the highest death rate for heart diseases in the EU.
  • The old medieval town of Levoča is a home of the highest wooden altar in the world. This remarkable work was created by Master Paul.
  • In 2020, Slovakia was ranked by the International Monetary Fund as the 38th richest country in the world, with purchasing power parity per capita GDP of $38,321,
  • The most-watched sports in Slovakia are football, ice hockey and tennis.
  • The lowest located place in Slovakia is the Bodrok River, 94 m above sea level.
  • Slovakia has more than 1300 mineral springs.
  • Slovakia became a fully independent nation in 1993. It later joined the European Union in 2004.
  • The largest and deepest lake is the Wielki Staw Hińczowy.
  • Slovakia and Poland have the biggest households in the EU, with 3.1 people per household.
  • The oldest surviving human artefacts from Slovakia are found near Nové Mesto nad Váhom and are dated at 270,000 BCE, in the Early Paleolithic era.
  • The astronomical clock in Stara Bystrica is said to be the most accurate astronomical clock in the world. It is also the largest wooden statue in Slovakia.
  • Human rights in Slovakia are guaranteed by the Constitution of Slovakia from the year 1992 and by multiple international laws signed in Slovakia between 1948 and 2006.
  • The highest peak in Slovakia is Gerlach, 2655 m above sea level.
  • In Košice, the second of the oldest marathons in the world takes place annually.
  • The highest situated town in the country is Vysoké Tatry.
  • Košice also has the largest zoo in Central Europe.
  • Slovakia is a member of the Schengen Area, NATO, the United Nations, the OECD, the WTO, CERN, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Council of Europe, and the Visegrád Group.
  • The Shortest river is Slovakia is the Čierna voda. 
  • Slovakia’s name, in theory, means the “Land of the Slavs”.
  • an adult Slovakian person smokes an average of 117 cigarettes a month.
  • The longest river in Slovakia is Vah, 403 km.
  • Štefan Banič, born in Smolenice, Slovakia, invented the first actively used parachute, patenting it in 1913.
  • About 90 per cent of Slovaks have secondary education, this is one of the best results in Europe.
  • Slovakia signed the Rio Convention on Biological Diversity on 19 May 1993 and became a party to the convention on 25 August 1994.
  • The highest temperature was measured in Komarno on July 5, 1950. The thermometer showed 39.8 °C.
  • The national alcohol is Borovička and TatraTea.
  • The Slavic tribes settled in the territory of present-day Slovakia in the 5th century.
  • The national tree is small-leaved lime.
Facts About Slovakia
Facts About Slovakia