11 Facts You Might Not Know About Edinburgh

11 Facts You Might Not Know About Edinburgh


1. The volcano`s crater got the name “Arthur`s Throne”.

2. Edinburgh was the first city in the world to have its own fire service in 1703.

3. The first king of Great Britain James I (a Scottish king James VI) was born in the Edinburgh castle.

4.The Stone of Destiny which is kept in the Edinburgh castle is still used for the crowning of English Monarchs.

   – according to legend, the real stone was secretly swapped for a fake one at some point in its history.Edinburgh replaced Scone as the capital of Scotland in 1437.

5. Originally the Scots mile was longer than the English Mile, but it was abolished as a unit of measure by the 1824 Weights and Measures Act.

6. J.K. Rowling wrote some of Harry Potter in an Edinburgh café; The Elephant.

   – took inspiration from the landscape for her characters and locations.

7. Edinburgh is also standing on seven hills like Rome and Moscow.

8. Royal Mile is the most famous street in the city

9. Edinburgh Castle’s Great Hall has a small window high above the fireplace known as “laird’s lug” which translates into “the Lord’s ear.”

10. The window allowed castle residents to eavesdrop on conversations taking place in the Great Hall.

11. Edinburgh has 112 parks and more trees per head of population than any other city in the United Kingdom.

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