Andean Community

Andean Community

Andean Community

The original Andean Pact was founded in 1969 by Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. The Headquarters of CAN are located in Lima, Peru.

The Andean Community is a free trade area with the objective of creating a customs union comprising the South American countries of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. The trade bloc was called the Andean Pact until 1996 and came into existence when the Cartagena Agreement was signed in 1969.

The Andean Community:

  • 98 million inhabitants over an area of 4.700.000 km².
  • GDP has gone up to US$745.300 million in 2005, including Venezuela, which was a member at the time.
  • The estimated PPP of GDP for 2011 amounts to $902.86 US billion, excluding Venezuela.
  • The Andean passport was created in June 2001 pursuant to Decisión 504. This stipulates the issuing of a passport based on a standard model which contains harmonised features of nomenclature and security.

The original Andean Pact was founded in 1969 by Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. In 1973 the pact gained its sixth member, Venezuela. In 1976 however, its membership was again reduced to five when Chile withdrew. Venezuela announced its withdrawal in 2006, reducing the Andean Community to four member states.

Recently, with the new cooperation agreement with Mercosur, the Andean Community gained four new associate members: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. These four Mercosur members were granted associate membership by the Andean Council of Foreign Ministers meeting in an enlarged session with the Commission on July 7, 2005. This move reciprocates the actions of Mercosur which granted associate membership to all the Andean Community nations by virtue of the Economic Complementarity Agreements signed between the CAN and individual Mercosur members.


Flag of Andean Community

Flag of Andean Community
Flag of Andean Community

The flag of the Andean Community is their logo, in gold on a white background.

  • The white represents peace, harmony and unity in diversity.
  • The gold represents the strength of the ideals on which the integration process is inspired.

Flag of Current members

Bolivia Flag
Bolivia Flag

Flag of Colombia

Flag of Peru
Flag of Peru

Ecuador Flag
Flag of Ecuador



Flag of Associate members:

Flag of Argentina

Flag of Brazil
Brazil Flag

Flag of Paraguay
Flag of Paraguay

Flag of Uruguay

Flag of Chile



Flag of Observer countries:

Flag of Spain
Flag of Spain

Morocco Flag
Flag of Morocco


Flag of Former full members:

Venezuela Flag
Flag of Venezuela

Flag of Chile


  • Venezuela was a full member between 1973–2006 and joined a new union Mercosur.
  • Chile was a full member between 1969–1976 and an observer between 1976–2006, and currently an associate member since 2006.
  • On 21 February 2020, disputed interim president of Venezuela Juan Guaidó announced Venezuela’s reentry into CAN
  • Official website


Andean Community
Andean Community

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