25 Problems with living in Paris

Anyone who hasn’t been to Paris might think of the city as romantic, cultural and have amazing fashion however this might not be the case for the locals, who find a lot of problems with the city, outside of its Stereotype, If you have visited Paris, you will know that most of the things on the list are true.

  1. Over Priced cocktails & Beers.
  2. Smells like urine.
  3. Public transportation strikes.
  4. Bad coffee but I give them the fact that they have amazing pastries.
  5. The size of apartments, but also overpriced.
  6. Having to bike across the Champs-Élysées in rush hour traffic.

7. Tourists think Paris is what it looks like on postcards.
8. Pickpockets.
9. During the August Month all shops are pretty much closed and as a local who hasn’t left on holiday you can’t get nothing done.
10. Everyone looks angry, all the time.
11. Bike lanes and sidewalks are used as car parking.
12. This is usually for people who live outside of the EU; but when you try to buy a train ticket from an automated machine because you don’t have a European Credit Card.
13. Lots of Rats and mice scurrying in the Metro like they own the place.
14. Confusing business hours, lots of places close between 12-2 among other things.
15. Lack of personal space.
16. You can only have so much of pastries, but they are everywhere.
17. Using the street as a trash can.
18. expensive neighborhood, even overprice on cheap beers.
19. Public toilets you have to pay for.


  1. That moment when you order a cheese platter and you realize it’s all from the supermarket.
  2. When you order a cheese platter but it’s the cheap stuff from the supermarket just overpriced .
  3. Living on the 7th floor and not having an elevator.
  4. being asked for exact change.
  5. Having to awkwardly explain your medical condition to the pharmacist.
  6. The pigeons are everywhere.



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  • Despite the items on your list.. I still love living in Paris. But, I have to agree with you on a few things, for sure! Over priced drinks-Oh, yes! Personal space- I miss that! Also, I like to smile at people for fun, just to see if they will smile back 🙂

  • Thank you for your candid view of residing in Paris. I visited a couple years ago, but wasn’t there long enough to get a feel for the different arrondissements. What is your favorite Parisian pastry, if you’re able to choose just one? I’ve heard a lot about Laduree, but wondered what a local’s choice would be. Thanks! And great post. 🙂

  • I totally understand. We lived there and other parts of France for a year! Visiting and living are totally different from one another!

  • I don’t quite agree with this robust list of problems in Paris that you would be encountered in most other cities in EU. As I speak French and have some great friends, it looks many things are easier in laissez-faire Paris. I know that Language is a great problem in Paris, but I notice people in general are not friendly (the single most important problems) that puts off many foreigners.

  • I don’t quite agree with this robust list of problems in Paris that you would be encountered in most other cities in EU. As I speak French and have some great friends, it looks many things are easier in laissez-faire Paris. I know that Language is a great problem in Paris, but I notice people in general are not friendly that puts off many foreigners.

  • ahhahahahhhahahhaha love this! one question tho; what do you mean by august shops are closed!? whys this?

    • Hi Olive,
      During the month of August in Paris, some local and few other shops/restaurants close for a month.
      However, as of 2022, this is a reasonably small amount, you will hardly notice any shops close, as a tourist. This was mostly true a decade ago

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