Dundee In Numbers
Population | 148,270 | 2016 |
Number of Births | 1715 | 2015 |
Number of deaths | 4,842 | 2012-2014 |
Average migration in | 6,987 | 2012-2014 |
Average migration out | 6,676 | 2012-2014 |
Life Expectancy at Birth Male | 75.3 | 2012-2014 |
Life Expectancy at Birth female | 80.2 | 2012-2014 |
Number of people marrying | 1,084 | 2014 |
Students | 15,865 | 2015 |
Median Gross Annual Pay (full time) | £24,090 | (2015) |
Median Gross Weekly Pay (All Employees) | £380.00 | (2015) |
number of households in Dundee City | 69,534 | (2015) |
Quarterly Residential Property Prices | £134,945 | Oct–Dec 2015 |
Parks | 23 |
Allotments | 4 |
Museums and galleries | 11 |
Shopping Centres | 2 |
Attractions | 18 |
Countryside and wildlife | 8 |
Local History and Heritage | 11 |
Total number of households (with residents) | 69,193 | 2011 |
Privately owned outright | 15,971 | 2011 |
Shared ownership | 305 | 2011 |
Number of 4 person households | 6,309 | 2011 |
Number of 5 person households | 2,014 | 2011 |
Number of 3 person households | 9,779 | 2011 |
Number of 2 person households | 22,424 | 2011 |
Rented from local authority | 12,826 | 2011 |
Privately rented | 12,921 | 2011 |
Living rent free | 590 | 2011 |