Lungo il Tevere Festival is a summer-long festival with live music, bars, craft stalls and exhibitions as well as film screenings and sports activities all surrounding the banks of the river Tiber, popular festival among families and young people. The traditional festival represents how the original Romans settled in current Rome and developed the city and how merchants had stalls all around the Tiber river. Rediscover the beauty of the river and enjoy learning about the story about the city of Rome and the western civilisation.
Every year between 9th of July and the 3rd of September, the banks of the river comes to life and the people around the world come to visit and enjoy the music, food and drinks you can even find riverside tables to sit down and enjoy a glass of wine and a beautiful view.
Everyone is welcome, Free Entry to the public.

Next Festival
09/06/2018 to 03/09/2018
Official Website:
Address: Lungotevere dei Mellini, 35, 00193 Roma, Italy
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