Palazzo Pitti

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Palazzo Pitti

The Palazzo Pitti also known as the Pitti Palace, positioned on the south side of the River Arno, short distance walk from the Ponte Vecchio. The palace can be dated back to 1458 and was originally the residence of Luca Pitti, who was a Florentine Banker.

In 1549 the Famous Medici Family bought the Palace and become the chief residence of the ruling families of  the Grand Duchy of Tuscany.

Napoleon in the late 18th century went on to use the palace as a power base, and later becoming a royal palace of the newly united Italy.

King Victor Emmanuel the third donated the palace and its belongings to the people of Italy in 1919.

Currently the Palazzo Pitti serves as the largest museum complex in Florence, 32,000 Square Meters and has been split into several principal galleries and museums.


List of Palazzo Pitti Rooms: List of Palazzo Pitti Rooms:
Room of Castagnoli Room of Prometheus
Room of the Ark Hall of Poccetti
Room of Psyche Room of Justice
Room of Ulysses Room of Iliad
Room of Saturn Room of Jupiter
Room of Mars Room of Apollo
Room of Venus White Hal



The Royal Apartments: Includes 14 rooms
The Green Room was frescoed by Giuseppe Castagnoli in early 19th Century.
The Blue Room contains collected Furniture


palazzo pitti Inside

Museums housed in the  Palazzo Pitti:

The Palatine Gallery The Silver Museum
The Museum of Modern Art The Porcelain Museum
The Costume Gallery The Museum of Carriages.


Palazzo Pitti

The Boboli gardens date back to the 15th century, and until the 19th century the gardens had been worked on. That’s four hundred years of development and history all compacted in to this beautiful and stunning gardens.

Architectural style: Renaissance architecture

Height: 118′

Architects: Filippo Brunelleschi, Giorgio Vasari, Bartolomeo Ammannati

Type of Ticket Price
Full price € 11.50
Reduced € 5.75
Entry after 16.00 Full € 9,00
Entry after 16.00 reduced € 4,50
Free admission: children under 6 years old, disabled people and their helpers, authorized tour guides and leaders, teachers accompanying school groups, Firenze Card owners


palazzo pitti roof

[su_note note_color=”#000000″ text_color=”#ffffff” radius=”0″]Location[/su_note]

Address: Piazza de’ Pitti, 1, 50125 Firenze FI, Italy