The Spanish metropolis of Córdoba has the remains of a Roman temple, the temple was found in the 1950’s, when the City Hall had an expansion.
Córdoba had other temples however this was one of the more important temples, the only known by archaeological excavation. It is a Pseudoperipterus, hexastyle and of Corinthian order temple of 32 meters long and sixteen wide.
The construction of the temple began during the Emperor Claudius however it was completed under the Domitian.
The only remains of the temple are the foundation, the stairs, shafts of columns, the altar and capitals.
[su_box title=”Building Information” box_color=”#5c0707″ radius=”0″]
Construction: Temple
Artistic period: Classical-Roman
Historic period: 1st century
Setting: City Hall.
[su_box title=”Opening Hours” box_color=”#000000″ radius=”0″]
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Address: Calle Capitulares, s/n, 14003 Córdoba, Spain