The Flag of Huilliche

The Flag of Huilliche & Flag of Chilean Mapuches

In March 1991, the Mapuche organization Aukin Wallmapu Ngulam, also known as the “Council of All Lands,” chose the flag of Huilliche Territory, signifying a profound and meaningful symbol for the Mapuche community.

Flag of Huilliche

The Flag of Huilliche
The Flag of Huilliche – Chilean Mapuches

Symbolic Significance

  • The Yellow represents renewal and serves as a symbol of the Sun
  • Blue represents life, order, wealth and the universe and In Mapudungun, it also serves as an adjective conveying notions of “sacred” or “spiritual.”
  • The Red represents power and strength and serves as a historical symbol.
  • The Green represents nature or earth and embodies wisdom, fertility and the healing power of the land. Green is also associated with a symbol of the Machi, a Mapuche shaman.

Other Flags of the Mapuche Territories

The Flag of Huilliche & Flag of Chilean Mapuches
The Flag of Huilliche & Flag of Chilean Mapuches