In March 1991, the Mapuche organization Aukin Wallmapu Ngulam – Consejo de Todas las Tierras, meaning “Council of All Lands,” adopted the Mapuche Flag of Nagche Territory.
Symbolic Significance
- Cultrun, a “Mapuche drum,” serves as a percussion instrument with both ceremonial and social significance. Its flat surface intricately depicts the Earth’s landscape, featuring a circular design that represents the Mapuche cosmovision known as Meli Witran Mapu. Within this design, the four cardinal points, the sun, the moon, and the stars are depicted, symbolizing a profound understanding of the world.
- The Yellow represents renewal and serves as a symbol of the sun.
- The Blue represents life, order, wealth and the universe.
- The Green represents the earth or nature, embodying wisdom, fertility and the healing power of the land.
- The Red represents strength and power and serves as a symbol of Historical significance.
- Gemil a stepped cross or star reminiscent of the Chakana or Inca Cross, features a rhombus with an intricately twisting border. This emblem symbolizes the craftsmanship involved in its creation, encapsulating the realms of science and knowledge. Additionally, it serves as a symbolic representation of the Mapuche writing system.