Wonderful Facts About Le Locle Facts About Le Locle
Le Locle District was one of the six districts of the canton of Neuchâtel.
Le Locle has a population of 10,216, as of 2018.
Le Locle is first mentioned in 1332 as dou Locle.
La Chaux-de-Fonds and Le Locle have been awarded World Heritage status by Unesco in Sevilla
Le Locle is a french speaking district, due to its close borders with France.
Le Locle is the capital city of the Le Locle District.
Le Locle is located at an elevation of 946 m (3,104 ft).
Le Locle is twinned with: Gérardmer, France; Sidmouth, England & Devon, England.
The name of the town derives from the word for lake or trou d´eau.
Le Locle is home to the Bibliothèque de la Ville Le Locle library.

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