Day: 31 August 2017

  • Tibidabo Amusement Park

    Tibidabo Amusement Park

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    Tibidabo Amusement park located on the Tibidabo in the Collserola Ridge, was constructed in 1899 by Salvador Andreu and official opened to the public in 1905 However the park is now owned by Barcelona Town Council. The Amusement park is one of the oldest in the world and Spain’s longest running amusement park, being Europe’s…

  • 10 Facts You Might Not Know About Cordoba

    10 Facts You Might Not Know About Cordoba

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    10 Facts You Might Not Know About Cordoba 1. Cordoba has some of the world’s largest olive plantations. 2. Cordoba’s Mezquita is the largest mosque in the entire world, as well as the world’s largest temple. 3. The library of al-Hakam II is thought to have amounted to 400,000 books. 4. Cordoba was founded in…