Amsterdam in numbers
Inhabitants | 834,713 |
Inhabitants in Amsterdam Metropolitan Area | 2,388,318 |
Nationalities | 180 |
Mayor | 1 |
Night Mayor | 1 |
Trams | 213 |
Busiest tram line | 1 |
Electric vehicle charging points | 650 |
Bicycles (estimated) | 881,000 |
Ferry routes | 9 |
Metro Lines | 4 |
Public Parking Spaces in City Center | 19,580+ |
Places & Facilities
Markets | 32 |
Shops | 6,159 |
Restaurants | 1,325 |
Cinemas | 15 |
Cafés and bars | 1,515 |
Hotel beds | 37,627 |
5-star hotels | 14 |
Clubs | 16 |
Theatres and concert halls: | 55 |
Museums | 44 |
Royal Palace | 1 |
Parks | 40 |
Art galleries | 141 |
Houseboats | 2,500 |
16th, 17th and 18th century buildings | 8,863 |