Flag of Maule Region
The Flag of the Maule Region features a white background with the Coat of arms in the centre.
The coat of arms of the Maule Region prominently showcases key elements of the regional identity through its four distinct fields.
- In the upper left field, two green trees symbolize the Nothofagus Alessandria, an endemic species of the region, and represent its rich forest resources.
- The upper right field displays a quill atop a book, symbolising the inhabitants’ profound wisdom, knowledge, and their historical and cultural heritage.
- In the lower left quarter, four mountains stand tall, each representing one of the region’s four provinces. The colour red symbolizes fire, fertility, courage, and the dynamic power necessary for constructing the future.
- The lower right field is horizontally crossed by undulating water, symbolizing the fertility of the soil and the formidable power of the rivers within the region.