What is the longest river in Europe? The Volga
The Volga is the Longest River in Europe and the 18th longest in the world. The Volga has a length of 3,531 km / 2,194 miles with a surface area of 18,985 square kilometres and a catchment area of 1,360,000 km2 / 530,000 sq miles. The Volga is situated in Russia and Flows through Central Russia to Southern Russia and into the Caspian Sea. The river is also the largest river in terms of discharge and drainage basin in Europe.
The geographical situation of the Volga promoted human colonization by various nations and played an important role in the movement of people between east and west as well as south and north.
The Volga river is divided into three sections:
- Upper Volga, from the headwaters to the Oka river.
- Middle Volga, from the Oka river until the confluence with the Kama river.
- Lower Volga, from the Kama river until the Caspian Sea.
The Volga Symbolic and Economic Development
The Volga River has a symbolic meaning in Russian culture and is often referred to as Волга-матушка Volga-Matushka, translate in English as Mother Volga, in Russian literature and folklore.
11 out of the 20 largest cities in Russia are located on or near the Volga River, Due to this the Volga river is heavily polluted, with negative ecological consequences; the main fisheries in the Volga are degraded as a result. The pollution in the river comes mainly from industrial and agricultural waste.