How to pick the best Hostel for you

Before setting off travelling, you might find it scary staying in a hostel, because we all know staying in a hotel is always better, you can a comfy bed, TV, WIFI and sometimes even free breakfast, you also don’t get to share a room with strangers however hostels is all about enjoy the little things such as a bed and meeting strangers and the biggest upside to hostels is how cheap they are.

Choosing a hostel might be trickier then it actually is; because you really don’t want to end up paying for a room only to find that you paid to much for it and its horrible, full of problems such as broken and smelly beds.

Here are some accommodation priorities that i feel like you should  have:

Research: Reviews on the internet from people who have previously been there. sites such as HostelWorld.

First Impression, when you arrive at the hostel, if you haven’t already booked it, make sure you check it out, see if its decent to sleep in and the environment is something you like, just don’t judge it by hotel standards.

Recommendations from people, on your journey you will meet lots of people, ask them where they stayed and get a personal review.

Price; is everything to most backpackers, don’t over pay for a hostel room, sometimes you got to make sacrifice.

Recommendations from people, on your journey you will meet lots of people, ask them where they stayed and get a personal review.

Location, you really don’t want a place too far from where you going to be, you would rather pay little bit more for a place close to the places you going to visit, this will save money on public transport and taxis.

Internet a lot of hostels provide free internet, this might be good if you haven’t got a sim card with internet, you can keep up on social media and friends.

Lockers in rooms, keeping your valuables save is important specially in another country, so having lockers to keep them save is needed, you really don’t know who might take what.

if you feel like the hostel isn’t up to your standards and you really don’t like it, then you don’t have to stay, you can always find a better one, just do your research before visiting hostels, some might be terrible and other might be amazing, it all depends on the hostel and the people there.

It’s not about the destination, its about the journey

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