Category: Ceuta

  • 6 Facts You Might Not Know About Ceuta

    6 Facts You Might Not Know About Ceuta

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    6 Facts You Might Not Know About Ceuta   Spain and Morocco have had several disagreements about the territories. The City area is about 20 square kilometres. hundreds of illegal migrants stormed border fences between Morocco and the two enclaves in desperate attempts to enter European territory due to this accident The fences were strengthened and…

  • Fuerte del Desnarigado

    Fuerte del Desnarigado

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    Fort Desnarigado is a fortress, transformed into a museum, at the shoreline of the southern front of Mount Hacho in Ceuta . Area size of ​​1,280 square meters. The development became completed within the nineteenth century, previously there has been a different building and had been used for the same purpose, military. Towards the end…

  • Military Museum of the Legion

    Military Museum of the Legion

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    The military Museum of the Legion created in 1940 to honour the Spanish Legion. The Legion and its museum moved to Ceuta in 1956 when Morocco won independence from Spain. In the beginning the museum turned into a small room of the barracks of the 2nd Regiment of the Legion in Dar-Riffien. Upon the Moroccan…

  • Puerta Califal

    Puerta Califal

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    Ceuta boasts this gate commissioned for production by means of Abderramán III inside the 12 months 931 as an access and exit get entry to factor of the city. it’s also surrounded by means of an incredible ancient site which tiers from ceramics from Roman instances, 1st century to sixteenth-century bastioned traces of defense. After…

  • Parque Marítimo del Mediterráneo

    Parque Marítimo del Mediterráneo

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    The Parque Marítimo del Mediterráneo is a enjoyment complex covering 55,000 m² placed within the self sustaining Spanish city of Ceuta, bordering northern Morocco. It includes three synthetic lakes of salt water, filtered without delay from the sea. It turned into designed through the flexible Lanzarote-born artist César Manrique and inaugurated in 1995, almost three…

  • Casa de los Dragones

    Casa de los Dragones

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    Casa de los Dragones or residence of the Dragons is an important landmark in the Spanish exclave of Ceuta at the north coast of Africa, and an great instance of eclectic architecture. The house is on a nook of Kings rectangular. The constructing changed into intended to take the name of the Cerni González brothers,…

  • Photographs of Ceuta

    Photographs of Ceuta

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    Ceuta is located on the African continent but its part of Spain, located 18.5 square kilometers from the Spanish mainland, its part of the Cadiz Province. Statistics and information   Spain and Morocco have had several disagreements about the territories and a row blew up in 2016, when Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero…