
Flag of Belgium

The Belgian flag was officially adopted on January 23, 1831, and consists of three vertical stripes of equal width; the colours are black, yellow, and red.

Western European Union

The Western European Union was the international organisation and military alliance that succeeded the Western Union after the 1954 amendment of the 1948 Treaty of Brussels. The Treaty of Brussels…

Barquentine Mercator

Barquentine Mercator is a ship built in 1932, designed by the Antarctic explorer Adrien de Gerlache, Barquentine Mercator was named after Gerard Mercator who was a Flemish cartographer, Barquentine Mercator was in service as a training ship, Mercator made 41 voyages altogether as well as represented Belgium


Sint-Petrus-en-Pauluskerk is known as the church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, is a Roman Catholic Neo-Gothic church, Sint-Petrus-en-Pauluskerk replaced the old St Peters church which burned down in 1896, King Leopold II laid the first stone in 1901, Sint-Petrus-en-Pauluskerk treasures include embroidered robes
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