Tag: Jaén

  • 6 Amazing Facts about Jaén

    6 Amazing Facts about Jaén

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    FUN & INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT JAEN     The City of Jaén comes from the Moorish word ‘Geen’ or ‘Jayyan’, Which means stopping post of a Caravan route. Jaén was a strategic position on the frontline between Christian Spain and Moorish Granada. Within the Jaén’s Cathedral, behind the altar, is a religious artifact, a cloth, known as the…

  • Arc of San Lorenzo

    Arc of San Lorenzo

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    The Arch of San Lorenzo is situated in Jaén between the crossroads of Almendros Aguilar and Madre de Dios streets, it was once a part of the former Church of San Lorenzo, which was built between the 13th and 14th centuries. It was proclaimed as a Bien de Interés Cultural in 1877. The Church of San Lorenzo…

  • Castle of Santa Catalina

    Castle of Santa Catalina

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    Saint Catalina Castle is known as Castle of Santa Catalina is a Spanish castle, styled in Moorish revival, built-in 1932 and overlooks the city of Jaén. Saint Catalina’s Castle is now known as one of the best castle hotels in Europe. The old fortress that was built on the Cerro de Santa Catalina was made up of…

  • La Magdalena, Jaén

    La Magdalena, Jaén

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    La Magdalena, Jaén is known as Church of Santa María Magdalen, its one of the oldest buildings in Jaé, The church was built on the foundations of a mosque that had been erected in 825 by Abderraman II and redesigned by Andrés de Vandelvira. The entrance to the church is decorated in stunning Elizabethan Gothic…

  • Jaén Cathedral

    Jaén Cathedral

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    The Cathedral of Jaén is situated on the ruins of a Mosque, construction began in 1249 and was consecrated in 1724, throughout history the church was damaged and rebuilt a number of times, until the sixteenth century when several architects mainly Andrés de Vandelvira, who was the most important architect, built the biggest part of the Cathedral.…

  • Photographs of Jaén

    Photographs of Jaén

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    Jaén located in the south central part of Spain, is the capital city of the province of Jaén, and is known to be the world capital of Olive Oil, due to being the biggest producer of the oil, olive oil is known as liquid gold by the locals. Information and statistics Total area: 424.30 km2 Elevation: 573…