The Palais Lascaris was built in the seventeenth century, situated in the Vieux Nice, Palais Lascaris is a historical monument and a Museum. devoted to the art and music of the…
Russian Orthodox Cathedral, Nice is the largest Eastern Orthodox cathedral in Western Europe, Opened in 1912 thanks to the generosity of Russia's Tsar Nicholas II, It's recognised as a national monument of France, Russian Orthodox Cathedral is one of the best examples of Russian religious architecture outside of Russia
Matisse Museum in Nice is dedicated to the works of French Painter Henri Matisse, Matisse Museum opened in 1963 situated in the Villa des Arènes, Matisse Museum has one of the most important Henri Matisse collections in the world, Henri Matisse was born in 1863 in Le Cateau-Cambrésis, most famous artwork, the dance
Nice Observatory is an astronomical observatory, built in 1878 thanks to the support of Raphael-Louis Bischoffsheim, Nice Observatory merged with CERGA in 1988 to form the Côte d'Azur Observatory, Nice Observatory conducts extensive research on concerning planetology, Nice Observatory
Interesting Facts About Nice, Nice has the biggest airport in France, outside of Paris and Europes largest greenhouse, Facts Nice is Nicknamed Nice la Belle and has more traffic lights than any other city in France. Nice Facts, Facts about Nice
Nice sits on the shores of Baie des anges and is the capital city of the Alpes-Maritimes, located in France, One of the best features of Nice is its beautiful…