Tag: Amsterdam

  • Stedelijk Museum

    Stedelijk Museum

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    The Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, opened on 14 September 1895 as an initiative of the neighborhood authority and private people. The Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam Municipal Museum Amsterdam, colloquially known as the Stedelijk, is a museum for present day artwork, current artwork, and design located in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The nineteenth century constructing turned into designed with the…

  • Vondelpark


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    The biggest city park in Amsterdam, it’s the most famous park in Netherlands, the located south of Leidseplein and close to Rijsmuseum, Stedelijk and van Gogh museum. The park has free concerts and air theater and even bandstands. The park has other attractions such as a statue of Poet Vondel, a playground for children and…

  • Rembrandt house museum

    Rembrandt house museum

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    Museum is named after Painter Rembrandt, who lived and worked in the house between 1639 and 1656. its a historical and art museum. The location of the museum Jodenbreestraat in Amsterdam, Rembrandt purchased the house in 1639 and lived there until he went bankrupt in 1656. [su_box title=”Extra Information ” box_color=”#000000″ radius=”0″] Director: Michael Huijser…

  • Amsterdam facts & figures

    Amsterdam facts & figures

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    Amsterdam in numbers Population [su_table] Inhabitants 834,713 Inhabitants in Amsterdam Metropolitan Area 2,388,318 Nationalities 180 Mayor 1 Night Mayor 1 [/su_table] Transport [su_table] Trams 213 Busiest tram line 1 Electric vehicle charging points 650 Bicycles (estimated) 881,000 Ferry routes 9 Metro Lines 4 Public Parking Spaces in City Center 19,580+ [/su_table] Places & Facilities [su_table]…

  • Anne Frank House

    Anne Frank House

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    The Anne Frank House opened on the 3rd of May 1960, it’s a writer’s and biographical museum, dedicated to the Jewish wartime diarist, Anne Frank, the museum was opened to preserve the hiding place and both Anne frank house and the next door number 265 house was purchased by the museum, the houses were built…

  • 25 Interesting Fact about Amsterdam

    25 Interesting Fact about Amsterdam

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    Interesting Facts about Amsterdam! 1. All over Amsterdam there are hidden water taps under the ground. They were installed in fear of a big disaster so we would always have drinking water. 2. Residents of Amsterdam are known as Amsterdammers. 3. Amsterdam is one of the top 25 safest cities in the world 4. Every…

  • Bloemenmarkt


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    The Bloemenmarkt is the worlds only floating flower market, it’s been open since 1860, has around 15 florists, garden shops and souvenir gift shops

  • Nemo science museum

    Nemo science museum

    The NEMO Science Museum is the biggest museum in Amsterdam its also a science center and has been around for over 95 years, the building was designed by Renzo Piano since 1997, located in the Oosterdok, Amsterdam Centrum. Previously the museum had a few name changes; dating back to 1954 the name was changed to…

  • Rijksmuseum National treasure of the Dutch

    Rijksmuseum National treasure of the Dutch

    Rijksmuseum is national museum of Holland, the museum is located in the Museum Square, close to other museums such as the Stedelijk and Van Gogh Museums. The Main building was designed by architect Pierre Cuypers and was first opened up in 1885, however for 10 years between 2003 and 2013 the main building was getting…