Tag: Madrid

  • Almudena Cathedral Facts

    Almudena Cathedral Facts

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    Almudena Cathedral Facts, Almudena construction began in 1883 and not finished until 1993, is dedicated to the Virgin of Almudena and was consecrated by Pope John Paul II and styled in neo-classical style, facts about Almudena Cathedral

  • Museo Nacional Del Prado

    Museo Nacional Del Prado

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    Museo Nacional del Prado is the most important museum in Spain, Museo Nacional del Prado collection expanded during the early nineteenth and twentieth century when other museums such as the Museo de la Trinidad in 1872 and the Museo de Arte Moderno and Museo Nacional del Prado received a number of donations

  • Almudena Cathedral

    Almudena Cathedral

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    Almudena Cathedral is a Catholic church situated in Madrid, its the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Madrid, the Cathedral was built on the site of a Medieval Mosque which was destroyed by Alfonso VI in 1083, who reconquered Madrid, the church was built by Pope John Paul II in 1993

  • Food You Need To Try While In Madrid

    Food You Need To Try While In Madrid

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    Food You Need To Try While In Madrid The cuisine of Madrid is a combination of various cuisines around the regions of Spain, due to the mass migration to the capital city during the 16th century, when King Felipe II established and grew the city, number of different traditions were all mixed together. Madrid’s earliest…

  • Temple of Debod

    Temple of Debod

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    The Temple of Debod is an Ancient Egyptian temple that was originally built in the 2nd Century BC at the village of Devod, it was later dismantled and rebuilt in Madrid, The Egyptian state donated the temple of Debod to Spain In 1968, as a sign of gratitude for helping to save the Abu Simbel…

  • Madrid Historical Timeline

    Madrid Historical Timeline

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    Madrid was known as Madjerît in the 10th century by the Moors and was later conquered by King of Leon, Ramiro I, however this was only for a brief time, as the Moors took the city back, the city was controlled by the Moors until 1083, when King Alfonso VI took undisputed possession of the…

  • 21 Amazing facts about Madrid

    21 Amazing facts about Madrid

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    FUN & INTERESTING FACTS MADRID Madrid is one of Europe’s most beautiful cities and plays a major part in Spanish and European History, from cultural and Social Developments.  Madrid is the third biggest city in European Union, After London and Berlin, Madrid will be the second biggest City after the United Kingdom Leaves the European…

  • Royal Palace of Madrid

    Royal Palace of Madrid

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    The Royal Palace of Madrid is not the official residence of his Majesty the King of Spain but actually where state ceremonies happen, official Banquets and other state function take place, The King of Spain actually lives in Zarzuela Palace, just outside of Madrid. Before the Royal Palace of Madrid was built, in the Ninth…

  • Photographs of Madrid

    Photographs of Madrid

    Madrid is the capital city of Spain, it’s the highest capital city in Europe and is known for it’s great cultural and artistic heritage. While being the capital city of Spain, its also the financial and cultural hub, Madrid is well known for its nightlife, bars, restaurants and clubs really make it an ideal place…