List of Countries in Antarctica

Countries in Antarctica

The Continent of Antarctica is the Fifth largest continent behind Asia, Africa, North America, and South America, Measuring approximately 14 million km², which is around 8.9% of the planet Earth’s land and 2.7% of the planet’s Surface.

The Antarctica borders are surrounded by the Southern Ocean. The Eastern side of Antarctica is higher than the West. The Highest point is Vinson Massif, which measures 4,897 m.

There is no native population in Antarctica, only visitors during the summer and scientists.

The Majority of Mammals found on or in the seas surrounding Antarctica, such as Seals, Orcas, Penguins and Whales, due to conditions in Antarctica, It make it hard for any vegetation to survive the conditions, which means only invertebrates such as mites and lice can be found in Antarctica’s land.

The Antarctica Treaty of 1959 was signed by twelve countries: the United Kingdom was the first to sign the treaty followed by Argentine, Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, the United States of America and The Soviet Union/ Russia.

The treaty was signed on the 1st of December 1959, and states:

  • that the Antarctic can only be used for peaceful purposes, with no fortifications, military manoeuvres and no weapon testing.
  • Any nuclear explosions in Antarctica and the disposal of radioactive waste material shall be prohibited.
  • No Mining in Antarctica.
  • guarantees continued freedom to conduct scientific research.

More Information about the Antarctic treaty can be found here:

List of All Countries in Antarctica

There are No Countries On the Continent of Antarctica

List of Antarctic Territorial claims

TerritoryTerritory LimitsClaimantDate
Argentine Antarctica25°W–74°WArgentina1942
Australian Antarctic Territory160°E–142°2′E
Chilean Antarctic Territory53°W–90°WChile1940
Adélie Land142°2′E–136°11′EFrance1924
Ross Dependency150°W–160°ENew Zealand1923
Peter I Island68°50′S 90°35′WNorway1929
Queen Maud Land44°38′E–20°WNorway1939
British Antarctic Territory20°W–80°WUnited Kingdom1908

Antarctic territorial claims

ClaimantsExtent of overlap
Between Argentina & United Kingdom25°W–53°W
Between Argentia, Chile & United Kingdom53°W–74°W
Between Chile & United Kingdom74°W–80°W

Antarctic territorial Unclaimed

RegionUnclaimed limits
Marie Byrd Land90°W–150°W

Unofficial Flag of Antarctica

Proposed Flag of Antarctica
Proposed Flag of Antarctica
Flag of Antarctica - True South
Flag of Antarctica – True South

Antarctica has no universally recognized flag as the condominium that governs the continent has not yet formally selected one, although some individual Antarctic programs have formally adopted True South as the flag of the continent.

Other Continents Countries

Countries in Antarctica
Countries in Antarctica