
The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.

LuckyTrip Travel App Experience 2018

LuckyTrip Travel app, our experience using luckytrip and how you can travel around on a budget with a tap of a button, The Lucky Trip will gather information such as flights from Skyscanner, hotels from and activities to do on your budget anything between £150 to £1000+, Luckytrip travel app review

3D Animations

Our favourite 3D animations made by highly skilled programmers The Hobbit Open Book See the Pen CSS 3D Bending Effect – Page Flip by Fabrizio Bianchi (@fbrz) on CodePen. Solar…

Compare Websites Loading Speed

As you might know website loading time is a massive factor in usability, it affects the site’s google rankings, so it’s a good idea to optimize the sleep of your…

Travel Animations

Travel websites can be dull and boring, just like any other websites, but you can add cool and funky animations to spice them up, from moving buses to colourful globes…

3 Travel Tech Startups companies 2017

This is why I loved technology: if you used it right, it could give you power and privacy – Cory Doctorow Mezi Company Base location: San Francisco, Calif. A digital travel…
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