
10 Malaga Cathedral Facts

Fun and interesting facts about Malaga Cathedral, La Manquita was built between 1528 and 1782 and is the second highest cathedral in Andalusia, the cathedral has its own gardens and is styled in Renaissance and Baroque style, the cathedral is technically still unfinished

10 Lyon Cathedral Facts

Lyon Cathedral Facts, The Lyon Cathedral was founded by Saint Irenaeus and Saint Pothinus and is dedicated to the Saint John the Baptist, built between 1180 and 1476 the cathedral is known as 'Primatiale' , Facts About Lyon Cathedral

Lungo il Tevere Festival

Lungo il Tevere Festival is a summer-long festival with live music, bars, craft stalls and exhibitions as well as film screenings and sports activities all surrounding the banks of the river Tiber, Every year between 9th of July and the 3rd of September

Discovering London’s Street Food Markets

Recently we discovered London’s street food markets, London is well known for its overpriced housing and luxury restaurants however the street food markets are buzzing full of people wanting quality…

Museo Nacional Del Prado

Museo Nacional del Prado is the most important museum in Spain, Museo Nacional del Prado collection expanded during the early nineteenth and twentieth century when other museums such as the Museo de la Trinidad in 1872 and the Museo de Arte Moderno and Museo Nacional del Prado received a number of donations

Almudena Cathedral

Almudena Cathedral is a Catholic church situated in Madrid, its the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Madrid, the Cathedral was built on the site of a Medieval Mosque which was destroyed by Alfonso VI in 1083, who reconquered Madrid, the church was built by Pope John Paul II in 1993

We are on Apple News!!

Isolatedtraveller is finally live on Apple News, been a long time since I wanted isolated traveller to be on Apple News and last few weeks I made a few changes…

List of Famous English People

List of Famous English People from writers, Photographers, Monarchs, Inventors and engineers, Explorers, Criminals, Architects, and much more, over 300 Famous English People
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