Facts About Finland
Finland is a Northern European nation, its capital, Helsinki, occupies a peninsula and surrounding islands in the Baltic Sea. Helsinki is home to the 18th-century sea fortress Suomenlinna, the fashionable Design District and diverse museums. The Northern Lights can be seen from the country’s Arctic Lapland province, a vast wilderness with national parks and ski resorts.
Finland Facts
The highest point in Finland is the Halti on the border to Norway in Lapland. It is 1 324m/ 4 344 ft high.
The longest river in Finland is called Kemijoki.
Helsinki is the northernmost capital city of continental Europe.
Finland is among the most forested countries in the world. Finland is the most forested country in Europe.
Every year, Finland increases in surface area by about 7 sq km (2.7 sq mi) per year because it is rebounding from the weight of ice-age glaciers and rising out of the sea.
Finland has over 187,000 lakes.
Individuals with a Finnish passport can access 171 countries around the world without a visa, making it the worlds 2nd strongest passport, as of 2020.
Finland has the largest lake district in Europe.
In Finland, almost 100% of the bottles are recycled while almost 90% of them are returned for recycling after use.
Finland borders three countries: Norway, Sweden and Russia.
The Sámi people are Finland’s indigenous people.
The average Finn consumes 12 kg of coffee each year.
Official languages are Finnish (spoken by 87.3%) and Swedish (5.2%). Sámi is the mother tongue of about 2,000 people, members of the indigenous Sámi people of northern Lapland.
The Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) are seen regularly in every season but summer in Lapland and other parts of Finland.
There are over 3 million saunas in Finland.
Finland has some of the world’s best “Freedom to Roam” opportunities.
The Population of Finland is 5.5 million, as of 2019.
Finland is the world’s happiest country, according to the 2019 World Happiness Report.
The annual milk consumption per person in Finland is around 34.34 gallons, Making Finland the highest milk consuming nation.
The Longest Palindromic Word ‘ saippuakivikauppias’ Comes From the Finnish Language.
The Päijänne Water Tunnel is a 120 km long tunnel in Southern Finland, making it the worlds second longest tunnel.
Finland Declared Independent on December 6th, 1917. Previously a grand duchy in the Russian empire for 108 years, and a part of Sweden for 600 years before that.
Finland is part of Fennoscandia, not Scandinavia.
In 2010, Finland became the first country in the world to make broadband access a legal right for every citizen.
Finland is the uncontested world home of heavy metal. It has the heaviest metal bands per capita in the world.
Finland is the eighth-largest country in Europe yet it is the European Union’s most sparsely populated country.
Finland’s capital Helsinki lies higher north in the world than almost any other capital city, second only to Iceland’s Reykjavik.
Finland has been a member of the European Union since 1995 and it’s the only Nordic state to join the euro single currency at its original launch in 1999.
The world’s first graphical web browser was developed by four Finnish students in Helsinki in 1991. It was known as Erwise.
In Finland, when someone earns their Ph.D., they are given a top hat and a sword.