Switzerland is a central European country, Switzerland is divided in three main geographic regions, The Jura Mountains, The Swiss Alps & the Central Plateau.
Fascinating Facts About Switzerland

- The Official Currency of Switzerland is Swiss Franc.
- Traditional Swiss sports: Schwingen, Hornussen & Steinstossen.
- Switzerland is the only country in the world that has a square flag.
- The Official Name of Switzerland is Confoederatio Helvetica in Latin, Which means Swiss Confederation.
- Switzerland has been at peace for over 200 years.
- You can find over 1,500 lakes in Switzerland.
- Bern is the Capital of Switzerland.
- There are enough nuclear shelters in Switzerland to house the entire population.
- The largest Swiss franc is the 1000 bill, This is the largest single bill in the world.
- Switzerland’s Sonnenberg Tunnel is the world’s largest nuclear shelter. It can hold up to 20,000 people.
- 1st of August is Switzerland’s Independence Day.
- Swiss Accidentally Invade Liechtenstein in March, 2007.
- Switzerland has four Official language: German, French, Italian & Romansh.
- Switzerland’s crime and unemployment rates are amongst the lowest in the world.
- Switzerland is one of the few nations in the world where assisted suicide is legal.
- The Highest point in Switzerland is the Dufour Peak, at 15,199 feet height.
- The Lowest point in Switzerland is Lake Maggiore, at 640 feet.
- A Swiss businessman, Jean-Henri Dunant, The founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Received the very first Nobel Peace Prize in 1901.
- Rolex Company made the first waterproof watch in 1927 in Switzerland.
- Switzerland became an United Nations Member in 2002.
- The Largest City in Switzerland is Zurich, followed by Geneva.
- You will find more Banks in Switzerland than Dentists.
- Switzerland is bordered by 5 Countries: Italy, Austria, Germany, France & Liechtenstein.
- You must live 12 years in Switzerland before applying for citizenship.
- Lake Geneva is the largest freshwater lake in Switzerland.
- Tim Berners Lee, an English engineer, invented the World Wide Web in Switzerland in 1989.
- Swiss Women were granted the right to vote in 1971.
- Swiss Teachers receives one of the highest pay in the World.
- The Pope’s personal guards are called Swiss Guards, all come from Switzerland.
- In Switzerland, it is legal to use and grow marijuana, but it is against the law to sell it.
- Guns are legal in Switzerland, 2.3 – 4.5 million guns in a population
- Foreigners account for 23% of Switzerland’s population.
- The Longest Tunnel in the World is 57 km long and goes from Switzerland to Italy underneath Alps.
- German Town, Büsingen am Hochrhein, is entirely surrounded by Switzerland.
- Switzerland is the first European country to allow the sale of Insect-based food for humans in 2017.
- St Peter’s Church in Zürich has the largest church clock face in Europe.
- 60% of the Switzerland’s electricity comes from a hydroelectric power source.
- There are over 3100 miles of railways in Switzerland.
- Switzerland was occupied by France from 1798 to 1815.
- Patek Philippe of Switzerland Invented the Wristwatch in 1868.