10 Amazing Facts about Salamanca


  1. UNESCO declared the old city of Salamanca is a World Heritage Site in 1988.

  2. In 1812, during the Peninsular war, Philip II married Maria of Portugal in Salamanca.

  3. Salamanca was known as ‘Salmantica’ or ‘Helmantica’ and was a major city of the Vettones, in 222 B.C.

  4. The University of Salamanca dates back to 1218 and is the oldest university in Spain and third oldest university in Europe.

  5. Salamanca is the capital city of the province of Salamanca.

  6. The province of Salamanca has an area of 4,763 square miles.

  7. In 2002, Salamanca was named European Capital of Culture.

  8. Salamanca has two cathedrals: Old Cathedral of Salamanca & New Salamanca Cathedral.

  9. The Main Square in Salamanca, Plaza Mayor was built in the 18th century.

  10. The Salamanca is situated on the top of a mountain next to the Tormes River.

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