Category: Europe

  • Deventer Statistics and figures

    Deventer Statistics and figures

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    Deventer in numbers POPULATION [su_table] Population 98,510 (2017) Population Density 1,950/sq mi (2017) Families 44,658 (2015) Males % 49.5 (2015) Females % 50.5 (2015) Foreigners % 4.7 (2015) Average age (years) 40.2 (2015) Age Group Population Year Updated 0-14 years 17,057 (2017) 15-64 years 65,127 (2017) 65+ years 17,111 (2017) Urbanization Population Year Updated Highly urbanized…

  • Geert Groote Huis Museum

    Geert Groote Huis Museum

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    The Museum Geert Groote Huis is totally devoted to Deventenaar Geert Groote, lived between 1340 – 1384.He’s called the founder of the ‘Modern Devotion’. This renewal movement was a personal embodiment of faith and sincere life and a personal embodiment of faith. The Museum offers the the interactive timeline can reveal what happened in his life and…

  • Museum MORE Dutch Modern Realism

    Museum MORE Dutch Modern Realism

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    Museum MORE is the largest museum for Dutch Modern Realism, The collection was acquired by Hans Melchers and containing works by leading Dutch realist artistes of the past 100 years. Hans Melchers acquired the collection with the intention of gathering top works of Dutch Modern Realistic and making it accessible to a wider audience. Museum MORE has…

  • Museum De Waag

    Museum De Waag

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    Museum De Waag, Used to be known as Historical Museum Deventer, located in the monumental building de Waag at the Brink in the center of Deventer. Historic collections such as paintings, prints, drawings, coins and treasures can be found in the museum, as well as pieces of construction, household goods and objects from the industry. The…

  • Discover Alicante

    Discover Alicante

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      Places to discover Castle of Santa Bárbara You can’t miss this castle, its located on top of mount Benacantil, in the center of Alicante, this santa Barbara castle is a popular tourist attractions. How to get there and parking areas: You can enter the Castle by foot, car and bus. There’s a road which…

  • Finchale Priory

    Finchale Priory

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    Finchale Priory is located on the River wear, where the remains of Finchale Priory stands, the castle was founded in the 1196, where the hermitage of St Godric, who was a retired sailor and merchant. Later on the priory became a outpost of Durham Cathedral and was functioned as a vacation retreat for the priests…

  • Durham University Museum of Archaeology

    Durham University Museum of Archaeology

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    The Museum of Archaeology founded in 1833, It was the second University Museum in England to open its doors to the public. The Museum has collections from Ancient Greece, Prehistoric and Roman to Medieval. In June 2013 the Museum closed to the public to allow for a move to a larger gallery in the redeveloped…

  • 10 Facts You Might Not Know About Durham

    10 Facts You Might Not Know About Durham

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    The name “Durham” comes from the Old English “dun”, meaning hill, and the Old Norse “holme”, which translates to island, ‘Hill Island’ Durham Regatta has been held on the River Wear in Durham since 1834. It is the second oldest regatta in Britain The Bowes Museum houses a 230-year-old musical automaton in the form of…

  • Durham Cathedral

    Durham Cathedral

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    Durham Cathedral was built in the late 11th and early 12th centuries It was founded as a monastic cathedral built to house the shrine of St Cuthbert, ‘Evangelizer of Northumbria’, replacing an earlier church constructed in his honour. It attests to the importance of the early Benedictine monastic community and is the largest and finest…